
2023-05-05  来自: 山东海京新材料有限公司 浏览次数:579


本品为透明液体,用已烷、无嗅矿物油、异十二烷等配制稀释。或可用客户指定的溶剂稀释。不溶于水,溶于多数有机溶剂,比重(20℃) 0.880。



1.高压聚乙烯(LDPE)的优良低温引发剂,多用于管式法工艺, 可同引发剂TBPV(过氧化特戊酸叔丁酯),TBPEH(过氧化-2-乙基已酸叔丁酯),引发剂TBPB(过氧化苯甲酸叔丁酯)等共同组成复合引发剂体系,聚合效果好。

2. 是不饱和聚酯的高温固化剂。

3. 可用于氯乙烯,苯乙烯或苯乙烯的共聚物聚合引发剂及甲基丙烯酸酯、醋酸乙烯酯的聚合引发剂。


This product is a colorless transparent liquid, diluted with hexane, odorless mineral oil, isododecane, etc. Alternatively, the solvent specified by the customer can be used for dilution. Insoluble in water, soluble in most organic solvents, with a specific gravity of 0.880 at 20 ℃.

Main decomposition products: tert butanol, neodecanoic acid, methane,  etc


1. High pressure polyethylene (LDPE) is an excellent low-temperature initiator, commonly used in tubular processes. It can be combined with initiators TBPV (tert butyl peroxyvalerate), TBPEH (tert butyl peroxy-2-ethylhexoate), and TBPB (tert butyl peroxybenzoate) to form a composite initiator system, resulting in better polymerization effects.

2. It is a high-temperature curing agent for unsaturated polyester.

3. It can be used as a copolymer polymerization initiator for vinyl chloride, styrene or styrene, as well as a polymerization initiator for methacrylate and vinyl acetate.

关键词: TBPD           

山东海京新材料有限公司,专营 过氧化烷类 过氧化酯类 过氧化酰类 过氧化物 等业务,有意向的客户请咨询我们,联系电话:13220762561

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